Sophon Testnet


Total of 287,295 blocks(Showing blocks between #58095 to #58119)
Block Txn Validator Gas Used Gas Limit Base Fee Reward
581192024-10-14 13:07:0276 days ago172891122210x00000000...000000000
105,190 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581182024-10-14 13:06:5976 days ago172891121910x00000000...000000000
104,086 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581172024-10-14 13:06:4976 days ago172891120910x00000000...000000000
219,843 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581162024-10-14 13:06:4776 days ago172891120710x00000000...000000000
4,701,417 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581152024-10-14 13:06:0476 days ago172891116410x00000000...000000000
124,322 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581142024-10-14 13:06:0276 days ago172891116210x00000000...000000000
96,804 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581132024-10-14 13:05:5276 days ago172891115210x00000000...000000000
96,047 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581122024-10-14 13:05:4776 days ago172891114710x00000000...000000000
7,561,606 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581112024-10-14 13:05:1976 days ago172891111910x00000000...000000000
124,322 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581102024-10-14 13:05:1776 days ago172891111710x00000000...000000000
96,804 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581092024-10-14 13:05:0776 days ago172891110710x00000000...000000000
96,047 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581082024-10-14 13:04:5376 days ago172891109310x00000000...000000000
160,039 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581072024-10-14 13:04:4776 days ago172891108710x00000000...000000000
94,495 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581062024-10-14 13:04:4376 days ago172891108310x00000000...000000000
124,322 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581052024-10-14 13:04:2676 days ago172891106610x00000000...000000000
94,471 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581042024-10-14 13:04:1576 days ago172891105510x00000000...000000000
94,471 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581032024-10-14 13:04:0476 days ago172891104410x00000000...000000000
94,170 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581022024-10-14 13:03:4776 days ago172891102710x00000000...000000000
95,186 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581012024-10-14 13:03:3476 days ago172891101410x00000000...000000000
124,322 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
581002024-10-14 13:03:3276 days ago172891101210x00000000...000000000
96,804 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
580992024-10-14 13:03:1876 days ago172891099810x00000000...000000000
96,047 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
580982024-10-14 13:03:1776 days ago172891099710x00000000...000000000
96,804 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
580972024-10-14 13:03:1676 days ago172891099610x00000000...000000000
96,047 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
580962024-10-14 13:03:1476 days ago172891099410x00000000...000000000
140,888 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH
580952024-10-14 13:03:0576 days ago172891098510x00000000...000000000
86,677 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,62410,000 Gwei0 SOPH

Blocks are batches of transactions linked together via cryptographic hashes. Any tampering of a block invalidates subsequent blocks as their hashes would be changed. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.