Sophon Testnet


Total of 224,399 blocks(Showing blocks between #9274 to #9298)
Block Txn Validator Gas Used Gas Limit Base Fee Reward
92982024-08-05 16:27:38136 days ago172287525810x00000000...000000000
122,117 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624904.825 Gwei0 SOPH
92972024-08-05 16:22:36136 days ago172287495610x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624904.825 Gwei0 SOPH
92962024-08-05 16:22:35136 days ago172287495520x00000000...000000000
7,592,829 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624904.825 Gwei0 SOPH
92952024-08-05 16:06:50136 days ago172287401000x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6241,042.525 Gwei0 SOPH
92942024-08-05 15:22:34136 days ago172287135410x00000000...000000000
354,604 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6241,042.525 Gwei14.83794 SOPH
92932024-08-04 2:04:01137 days ago172273704100x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624980.95 Gwei0 SOPH
92922024-08-04 2:04:00137 days ago172273704070x00000000...000000000
903,743 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624980.95 Gwei0.00013 SOPH
92912024-08-04 1:10:02138 days ago172273380200x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624990.475 Gwei0 SOPH
92902024-08-04 1:03:56138 days ago172273343610x00000000...000000000
263,910 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624990.475 Gwei0.51206 SOPH
92892024-08-04 1:03:55138 days ago172273343510x00000000...000000000
252,620 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624990.475 Gwei0 SOPH
92882024-08-03 21:13:25138 days ago172271960500x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6241,008.975 Gwei0 SOPH
92872024-08-03 21:13:24138 days ago172271960410x00000000...000000000
710,370 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6241,008.975 Gwei4.49363 SOPH
92862024-08-02 11:26:44139 days ago172259800400x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624993.3 Gwei0 SOPH
92852024-08-02 11:26:43139 days ago172259800310x00000000...000000000
132,707 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624993.3 Gwei0 SOPH
92842024-08-02 11:13:38139 days ago172259721800x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624900.875 Gwei0 SOPH
92832024-08-02 10:42:36139 days ago172259535610x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624900.875 Gwei0 SOPH
92822024-08-02 10:37:35139 days ago172259505510x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624900.875 Gwei0 SOPH
92812024-08-02 10:32:34139 days ago172259475410x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624900.875 Gwei0 SOPH
92802024-08-02 10:27:34139 days ago172259445410x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624900.875 Gwei0 SOPH
92792024-08-02 10:22:33139 days ago172259415310x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624900.875 Gwei0 SOPH
92782024-08-02 10:17:32139 days ago172259385210x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624900.875 Gwei0 SOPH
92772024-08-02 10:17:31139 days ago172259385110x00000000...000000000
132,678 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624900.875 Gwei0 SOPH
92762024-08-02 8:29:49139 days ago172258738900x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624943.25 Gwei0 SOPH
92752024-08-02 8:24:47139 days ago172258708710x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624943.25 Gwei0 SOPH
92742024-08-02 8:24:46139 days ago172258708610x00000000...000000000
131,296 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624943.25 Gwei0 SOPH

Blocks are batches of transactions linked together via cryptographic hashes. Any tampering of a block invalidates subsequent blocks as their hashes would be changed. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.