Sophon Testnet


Total of 267,376 blocks(Showing blocks between #9601 to #9625)
Block Txn Validator Gas Used Gas Limit Base Fee Reward
96252024-08-07 20:20:19141 days ago172306201910x00000000...000000000
129,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624918.15 Gwei0 SOPH
96242024-08-07 19:21:45141 days ago172305850500x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624939.45 Gwei0 SOPH
96232024-08-07 19:17:51141 days ago172305827110x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624939.45 Gwei0 SOPH
96222024-08-07 19:12:51141 days ago172305797110x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624939.45 Gwei0 SOPH
96212024-08-07 19:07:50141 days ago172305767010x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624939.45 Gwei0 SOPH
96202024-08-07 19:07:49141 days ago172305766910x00000000...000000000
128,922 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624939.45 Gwei0 SOPH
96192024-08-07 18:11:27141 days ago172305428700x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6241,050.95 Gwei0 SOPH
96182024-08-07 18:05:28141 days ago172305392810x00000000...000000000
308,094 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6241,050.95 Gwei4.29769 SOPH
96172024-08-07 18:05:27141 days ago172305392710x00000000...000000000
330,604 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6241,050.95 Gwei4.61169 SOPH
96162024-08-07 17:09:55141 days ago172305059500x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624998.575 Gwei0 SOPH
96152024-08-07 17:04:54141 days ago172305029410x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624998.575 Gwei0 SOPH
96142024-08-07 17:04:53141 days ago172305029310x00000000...000000000
139,067 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624998.575 Gwei0 SOPH
96132024-08-07 16:04:00141 days ago172304664000x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624982.825 Gwei0 SOPH
96122024-08-07 16:03:59141 days ago172304663910x00000000...000000000
139,372 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624982.825 Gwei0 SOPH
96112024-08-07 15:58:58141 days ago172304633800x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624901.125 Gwei0 SOPH
96102024-08-07 15:53:57141 days ago172304603710x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624901.125 Gwei0 SOPH
96092024-08-07 15:48:57141 days ago172304573710x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624901.125 Gwei0 SOPH
96082024-08-07 15:45:17141 days ago172304551710x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624901.125 Gwei0 SOPH
96072024-08-07 15:43:56141 days ago172304543610x00000000...000000000
952,412 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624901.125 Gwei9.10969 SOPH
96062024-08-07 15:38:55141 days ago172304513510x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624901.125 Gwei0 SOPH
96052024-08-07 15:33:54141 days ago172304483410x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624901.125 Gwei0 SOPH
96042024-08-07 15:30:27141 days ago172304462710x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624901.125 Gwei0 SOPH
96032024-08-07 15:28:54141 days ago172304453410x00000000...000000000
352,000 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624901.125 Gwei5.40953 SOPH
96022024-08-07 15:23:53141 days ago172304423310x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624901.125 Gwei0 SOPH
96012024-08-07 15:18:52141 days ago172304393210x00000000...000000000
88,312 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,624901.125 Gwei0 SOPH

Blocks are batches of transactions linked together via cryptographic hashes. Any tampering of a block invalidates subsequent blocks as their hashes would be changed. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.