Sophon Testnet


Total of 261,143 blocks(Showing blocks between #6043 to #6067)
Block Txn Validator Gas Used Gas Limit Base Fee Reward
60672024-07-24 13:40:10154 days ago172182841000x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60662024-07-24 13:35:10154 days ago172182811010x00000000...000000000
85,426 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60652024-07-24 13:35:09154 days ago172182810910x00000000...000000000
228,070 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60642024-07-24 13:30:08154 days ago172182780800x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60632024-07-24 13:25:08154 days ago172182750810x00000000...000000000
85,426 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60622024-07-24 13:25:07154 days ago172182750710x00000000...000000000
229,608 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60612024-07-24 13:20:06154 days ago172182720600x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60602024-07-24 13:15:05154 days ago172182690510x00000000...000000000
85,426 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60592024-07-24 13:15:04154 days ago172182690410x00000000...000000000
249,373 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60582024-07-24 13:10:03154 days ago172182660300x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60572024-07-24 13:05:30154 days ago172182633010x00000000...000000000
85,426 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60562024-07-24 13:05:03154 days ago172182630310x00000000...000000000
3,355,473 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60552024-07-24 13:05:02154 days ago172182630210x00000000...000000000
257,531 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60542024-07-24 13:00:01154 days ago172182600100x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60532024-07-24 12:55:01154 days ago172182570110x00000000...000000000
85,426 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60522024-07-24 12:55:00154 days ago172182570010x00000000...000000000
236,227 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60512024-07-24 12:49:59154 days ago172182539900x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60502024-07-24 12:44:59154 days ago172182509910x00000000...000000000
85,426 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60492024-07-24 12:44:58154 days ago172182509810x00000000...000000000
233,651 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60482024-07-24 12:39:57154 days ago172182479700x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60472024-07-24 12:34:57154 days ago172182449710x00000000...000000000
85,426 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60462024-07-24 12:34:56154 days ago172182449610x00000000...000000000
238,396 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60452024-07-24 12:29:56154 days ago172182419600x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60442024-07-24 12:24:55154 days ago172182389510x00000000...000000000
85,426 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
60432024-07-24 12:24:54154 days ago172182389410x00000000...000000000
238,396 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH

Blocks are batches of transactions linked together via cryptographic hashes. Any tampering of a block invalidates subsequent blocks as their hashes would be changed. Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base.