Produced by 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
A total of 288,996 blocks Produced
Block | Txn | Validator | Gas Used | Gas Limit | Base Fee | Reward | |
57445 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,124 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,995.216 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57444 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 89,563 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,995.216 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57443 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,124 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,995.216 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57442 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,124 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,995.216 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57441 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,124 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,995.216 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57440 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,124 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,995.216 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57439 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 153,937 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,995.216 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57438 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 138,710 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,995.216 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57437 | 77 days ago | 0 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 0 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57436 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,112 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57435 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,112 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57434 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,112 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57433 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,112 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57432 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,112 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57431 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 89,563 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57430 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,112 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57429 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,112 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57428 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,112 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57427 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,112 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57426 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,112 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57425 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 89,563 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57424 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,112 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57423 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,112 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57422 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,112 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
57421 | 77 days ago | 1 | 0x00000000...000000000 | 124,112 (0% | -100%) | 1,125,899,906,842,624 | 2,884.213 Gwei | 0 SOPH |
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