Sophon Testnet
A total of 232,180 blocks Produced
Block Txn Validator Gas Used Gas Limit Base Fee Reward
7292024-07-12 9:03:43161 days ago172077502310x00000000...000000000
136,713 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7282024-07-12 8:58:43161 days ago172077472300x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7272024-07-12 8:53:42161 days ago172077442210x00000000...000000000
85,426 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7262024-07-12 8:53:41161 days ago172077442110x00000000...000000000
135,148 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7252024-07-12 8:48:41161 days ago172077412100x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7242024-07-12 8:43:40161 days ago172077382010x00000000...000000000
85,426 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7232024-07-12 8:43:39161 days ago172077381910x00000000...000000000
130,500 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7222024-07-12 8:38:39161 days ago172077351900x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7212024-07-12 8:33:38161 days ago172077321810x00000000...000000000
85,426 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7202024-07-12 8:33:37161 days ago172077321710x00000000...000000000
129,040 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7192024-07-12 8:28:36161 days ago172077291600x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7182024-07-12 8:23:36161 days ago172077261610x00000000...000000000
85,426 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7172024-07-12 8:23:35161 days ago172077261510x00000000...000000000
129,281 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7162024-07-12 8:18:34161 days ago172077231400x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7152024-07-12 8:13:34161 days ago172077201410x00000000...000000000
85,426 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7142024-07-12 8:13:33161 days ago172077201310x00000000...000000000
132,024 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7132024-07-12 8:08:32161 days ago172077171200x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7122024-07-12 8:03:32161 days ago172077141210x00000000...000000000
85,426 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7112024-07-12 8:03:31161 days ago172077141110x00000000...000000000
134,316 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7102024-07-12 7:56:31161 days ago172077099100x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7092024-07-12 7:51:30162 days ago172077069010x00000000...000000000
85,426 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7082024-07-12 7:51:29162 days ago172077068910x00000000...000000000
144,896 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7072024-07-12 7:46:29162 days ago172077038900x00000000...000000000
0 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7062024-07-12 7:41:28162 days ago172077008810x00000000...000000000
85,426 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
7052024-07-12 7:41:27162 days ago172077008710x00000000...000000000
162,575 (0% | -100%)
1,125,899,906,842,6240.1 Gwei0 SOPH
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